Daily 15-minute drawings
Lucy’s launch email:
Hope to see you all at noon today for the Drawing Project launch. Bring a lunch and your hands and get ready to make something. I will provide a smattering of supplies. Feel free to bring your own. Here are the original “rules of the gameâ€
::The plan is that EVERY DAY we are each in the DO we make a quick “drawingâ€
Size: In proportion of 8.5×11 — either 11×17, 8.5×11, or 8.5×5.5
- make a relatively quick, simple, (but considered) “drawingâ€. Time limit: no more than 15 min.
- abstract, non-representational. (ish)
- made by hand primarily. (ish)
- choose ONE WORD from a list provided (below)
Lets define drawing as mark-making, using materials that are primarily analog in nature.
At the end of summer I want to make a book of the “drawingsâ€.
Anyone who wants to help make the book would be welcome.
I hope to collect 60–80 drawings by the end of the summer we could even have a show.
- tension
- order
- chaos
- straight / narrow
- liquidity
- solidity
- many / few
- multiplicity
- horizon
- invisibility
- neither here nor there
- tight
- trapped
- wilderness
- wild
- tame
- honest
- falsity
- object-ness
- abstract-ness
- —
- geometric
- scale
- repeat
- contrast
- alignment / disorder
- grid
- color / tone
- transluscence
- instruction
- materiality
For inspiration:
Martin Venezky’s podcast Louisiana Channel artist interview
See you at noon
Posted on Aug 21, 2015