11 buttons distributed via gumball machine
Members and friends of The Design Office designed 1†buttons — for sale in a gumball-style machine for 50¢ each. Designs range from left-leaning political commentary, to visual aphorisms and typographic pleasantries. Members were emailed and asked to design a button in less than two days. The prompt was the following: "A button is seen up close and on your person (or bag). How can you engage another human? How do you show you’re part of ‘a tribe’?
Project was part of the AIGA RI "SeeUs" exhibition, spring 2017.
Submissions from Lucinda Hitchcock, Michelle Bowers, John Caserta, Kristin Silva, Jay Marol, Sarah Rainwater, Benjamin Shaykin and Cyrus Highsmith.
Posted on Apr 11, 2017