Peter Hall

All welcome


Mon, Mar 10th, 2014 / 6:30-7:30PM

Join us, with Peter Hall (mapping expert, professor, theorist, design critic, author), for an evening roundtable conversation about maps, mapping and graphic design hosted by the Design Office. Conversation mediated by Lucinda Hitchcock and members of the RISD GD faculty. Peter Hall is a design writer whose research focuses on mapping as a design process. Learn more at

Design writer, critic, mapping theorist, current department head at Griffith University, Queensland College of Art. Previously taught at UT Austin & Yale. Co-editor (with Janet Abrams) of Elsewhere Mapping, author and co-editor of Tibor Kalman, Perverse Optimist and Sagmesiter: Made you Look, contributing writer for Metropolis magazine. Vice President of Design Inquiry, a non-profit educational organization devoted to researching design issues in intensive team-based gatherings.

Posted on Mar 04, 2014