Call for Submissions

As part of turning 10, The D.O. is asking all current and previous members to offer lessons learned from their experience working at The D.O. — no matter how long ago or for how long. Negative, positive, heady or low-brow, the submissions should tell the story of the DO through the specific anecdotes of its members.

Part “how-to” guide and part reflective document, the book hopes to bring forward the varied voices and experiences that go through a shared workplace. A Print-On-Demand book will be made for our 10-year anniversary party (date to come) and a publisher or distributor will be sought if appropriate.

Submissions should be a brief phrase (lesson learned) with supporting anecdote and/or imagery. Work done while at the DO (finished or not) is fair game. The design and editorial reference for this is Michael Pollan’s Food Rules which has one rule per page. Exceptions would be visual lessons, which could appear in a series (like plates, etc).

Submit via email to You can read through a rolling collection of submissions for inspiration.

Submission Deadline: August 31 (end of day)

A special edition dummy copy will be made for our 10th anniversary party (date TBA) and used to solicit publishers and/or distributors.


Edited by John Caserta (with help from the membership)
Designed by Lucinda Hitchcock, Sarah Verity and Nic Schumann
Contributions from current and former members
Email questions to

Posted on Jul 18, 2017