Full-time Membership Part-time Membership
Cost $385/mo $175/mo
Availability Yes Yes
Access 24-hour 24-hour
Weekly time cap None 20 hours
Work space Own desk Shared desk
Cancellation notice 2 months 2 months
Minimum Membership 3 months 3 months
Discounted printing Yes Yes
Meeting space Yes Yes
Physical storage Yes No
Physical Flat file storage Yes No
Email address Yes Yes
Digital storage Yes Minimal

Occasionally Asked Questions

  1. What if I want to print something out? If you are not a member, you’ll need to connect with a member or contact Sarah Verity, the office manager to help you. We don’t operate like a print shop or service bureau. All printing is self-service by each member of the Office. We find that non-members are interested in our Epson 7800 for color prints and transparencies. If you have a project and our equipment can be of use, please don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Verity, office manager.
  2. What is the difference between full-time and part-time memberships? Part-time memberships usually form around a specific schedule or need. For example, professors who need one day a week to hold office hours or to prepare for a class. Or, parents who know they have one or two days a week to work outside the home. Full-time members, in general, operate their practice out of the space and have all the needs of an office space.
  3. Who covers printing paper and staples and paper towels? A detailed list of what is covered is available, but in short, the common everyday items are covered by the Office, and specialty items are not. For example, all of the items listed in the question are covered by the Office.
  4. May I hold events or large gatherings at the Office? It’s all case-by-case. Members may make use of the space to hold workshops and larger meetings. These may be revenue-generating or collaborative work sessions. Meetings in the new 3rd floor library can comfortably seat up to 14. The production table can accommodate workshops, events and meetings where face-to-face seating isn’t as critical.
John Caserta, Aug 09, 2012
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